I had big plans to get up early on the weekend days to fit my runs in around the duties for a wedding I was the Maid of Honor in, but I slept horribly all week (and hadn't been sleeping all that good for a few weeks before that), and I was just plain exhausted. I tried to not feel too bad since sleep is as an important component of training as anything else.
Luckily I've started sleeping much better (and have been napping like a small child in a desperate attempt to catch back up), so hopefully after this next weekend, which will include some epic dream time, I'll be right as rain.
Wednesday, July 23
I don't really remember what I did...I think I napped. Seriously, don't mess with my rest day nap.
Thursday, July 24
1 mi WU
8 mi @ 9:52 min/mile
1 mi CD
10 mi total
I was really nervous for this tempo run, since it required me to run three more miles at tempo pace than I have been. I knew this would be one of the biggest hurdles of training, and even the book admits this. (After this, whenever my tempo distance increases, it will only be one mile, thank goodness.) I knew right from the beginning that 9:44 min/mile pace was not happening for eight miles, so I dropped it back a little. I was absolutely wiped and pushing to the limit on that last mile, so I think I paced it perfectly.
I also switched up the route to a loop instead of my usual out-and-back, and this made a huge difference mentally! It was so much easier to focus on holding the pace until each turn rather than to the halfway point. Traffic was not an issue at all on the loop I created, so I'll happily use it again.
Friday, July 25
rest (unplanned)
I had big plans to take some vacation time in the morning to fit my run in, since I had to leave work a few hours early to be at the wedding rehearsal. I even successfully dragged myself out of bed and dressed, but my legs had that horrible blah feeling that tells me I'm not properly recovered, so I opted to skip. I didn't feel too guilty because it would've meant running 16 miles in less than 24 hours, and I don't think I'm ready for that kind of mileage yet.
Saturday, July 26
rest (unplanned)
Again, maybe some will see it as an excuse, but I was exhausted from a late rehearsal dinner the night before and had my hair appointment at 9 (meaning I would've needed to be showered with my hair dried by 8:45), which was not happening, considering I would be up until at least midnight. My legs were a bit sore from the end of the night from all the standing, oddly enough.
I also had the pleasure of waking up at 5:30 AM with a terrible charlie horse in my right calf.
Sunday, July 27
rest (unplanned)
Sunday was supposed to be a 15 mile long run (a five mile jump from what I have been doing), and I would've been nervous anyway, but I was wired from the wedding and didn't sleep well, plus I had to drive back home. I was physically and mentally exhausted, so I gave myself a mental health day from running and cuddled with Faramir while watching Netflix instead. I figured with nine more weeks to go, skipping one workout wasn't going to make or break me.

This time, 5:30 AM meant it was time for a charlie horse in my left calf. As tired as my legs get from following Hansons, it appears my body gets really angry when I suddenly stop.
Monday, July 28
7 mi easy, 12 min/mile
core work
It felt really good to get back in the saddle. My legs were really tired towards the end of the run, but I knew I needed to suck it up. I also had to make my first emergency pit stop on the trail, but at least now I know the perfect spot.... I felt more like "me" as soon as I got going, and I enjoyed just zoning out with my Tolkien podcast.
I also saw the chiro before my run, and we discussed the compartment syndrome in my lower legs some more. Basically, no one can figure out what causes it - I drink the recommended amount of water for my body weight, I stretch daily, I haven't suddenly increased my mileage, my shoes only have 250 miles on them, and I haven't suddenly started running inclines.
If you Google Image "mystery injury," just about every other picture is of a soccer player flopping. |
Tuesday, July 29
1 mi WU
4x1200s (6:38, 6:39, 6:40, 6:37) w/ 400 jogs
1 mi CD
6 mi total
I found the pacing a bit tricky on the 1200s and ended up a touch slow on each one, but it was hard for me to get to the proper pace on the first lap without feeling like I was going to explode halfway through. Speed workouts are just not my forte. The good news is this was my last one! Next week strength workouts begin - I know these will still be hard, but it's a hard I'm much more comfortable with.
Total Miles: 23 mi (womp womp womp)
Total Time: 4:12:00
This week marks a major turning point in my training. I will be, like I said above, switching from speed to strength runs on Tuesday and will begin alternating between 10 and 16 mile long runs until taper comes. It's hard to believe how fast the first half flew by, and I'm really looking forward to the second half.
Does that mean I can just believe and skip the second part of training? |
I think all I need now is some new podcasts to fill the extra time on my feet. Does anyone have any recommendations?