No clue what I did. I think I worked late because of close.
Thursday, September 4
1 mi WU
3.1 mi simulated 5K
1 mi CD (walked)
5 mi total
I left work earlier than I probably should have, but it was my birthday, and I didn't feel particularly enthusiastic about celebrating by staying past 7 PM. Instead I went home and ran a simulated 5K in 28:28. This was an awesome birthday present to myself.

My legs were wiped after the "race" the night before, but I had every intention to run, until I stayed at work until 8:30 and didn't get home until after dark. I laid on my couch instead and watched college football so awful I thought the announcers were going to piss themselves in excitement when one team got a first down.
6 mi easy, 12:20 min/mile
My legs were still tight and tired from Thursday (which I took as a good sign that I had truly pushed myself), so I didn't worry about pace. I went out with just enough time before the MSU football game because my pre-game nerves were so bad. Yes, we lost, but I'm glad we looked competitive for three quarters. (Unlike me on my run.)
I was scheduled to do a long run, and there was beautiful weather, but after sleeping 12 hours straight - which I needed so badly - and working from home for a few hours, I had no interest in losing any more free time from my day.
5 mi easy, 12:16 min/mile
Legs were still tired, so I took my five mile loop easy and just enjoyed my podcasts. After listening to one about Big Sur, I'm pretty much sold on doing that for my California race...though I'm still a bit torn with doing Avenue of the Giants. Anyone have any advice?
Nngh...can't...choose.... |
7 mi easy, 12:11 min/mile
I was supposed to do 10 miles of strength, but I knew that wouldn't happen, so I put my big girl running shorts on and did a modified run instead of skipping it entirely. It felt nice to not worry about pace and just relax. As much as I liked having prescribed paces for every run in Hanson's, I think it burnt me out a bit towards the end. I missed being able to just run by feel.
Total Miles: 23.1 miles (ehhh)
Total Time: 4:47:41 (At least I'm getting time on my feet?)
While this doesn't look very impressive, work has been off the walls insane, so it's been tempting to just lay on the couch when I am home. I'm also having that feeling of being on the edge of overtraining after doing for Hanson's for so long, so I am trying to be mindful of my body.
Plus I actually modified my workout Tuesday, which should set me up for more success the next 17 days. Monument is right around the corner.
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